Friday, November 6, 2009

Who are you my friend, an angel?

This post is directed at one very special person in my life. An angel on earth.

In my room, I have a poem named "I have an Angel" on my wall. It reads:

Just as sure as the tide is part of the sea,
I have an angel who walks with me.
She's a faithful companion send down from above,
A vision of beauty - symbolic of love.

I know she protects me for I feel her light,
In the brighness of day and the dark of the night.
She's a comforting force with harmonious ways,
And gently she guides me through all of my days.

She's there to console me when I'm feeling blue,
And her presence is felt during joyful times too.
With no secrets between us - no cause to pretend,
I'm bonded for life to my heavenly friend.

You may not fully understand the impact you have on others. Your generosity and caring has touched our lives deeply. While I do not know your face, I know you are full of tenderness and grace. Your outreach is overwhelming. Your heart is generous.

Truly, you have a direct ticket into heaven. Some day I may learn who you are, but until then I can only hope you know everything you have done is so appreciated.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I was meant to be a Mom

The more time I spend as a Mom, the more amazed I am by my children. Granted, I've been a mother for less than two years. I feel like I was made to be a mother. Only two weeks after having Madison, I felt that THIS was my job. This is my purpose...motherhood. And what a grand reason to be.

Is this even me, writing these words? Just a few years ago, the thought of carrying a child and giving birth scared me to no end. What women in her right mind would put her body through such stress intentionally?

Here I am now, a mother of two... and I'd do it again in a heart beat. I have been blessed by God to have had such wonderful pregnancies and births. Some nights I lay in bed and relive the birth of my two beautiful children in my mind. I had little discomfort; the rooms were quiet and peaceful; and giving birth was a joy. Honestly, it was! I actually miss being pregnant. Am I crazy or just lucky? I would say that I was blessed.

I marvel at what my body can do and has done. It is a profound miracle what a woman's body can accomplish...all on its own. The odds of one tiny egg and one tiny sperm, melding together in perfect unison, to create one perfect life are staggering.

Thank you God, for my two beautiful gifts from heavan. I love you for my precious gifts.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

More Summer Memories

Summer fun

One of the silver linings in Dennis' job loss is that we had lots of time to head to New Hampshire this summer. We were fortunate to have Grandma and Grandpa babysit for one or both of the children to partake in all of the local glory. It's such a beautiful place. It was so nice to get to have some quality time with my parents...even in the midst of newborn cries and toddler tantrums.

One of my mom's favorite times is when the entire family (8 adults and 8 children) are visiting for July 4. We always try to get a family photo.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 4, 2009

As is our tradition, we spent the 4th of July at Heather's parents' place in Wolfeboro, NH. Hayden really enjoyed the music in the parade. Little Madison slept through the whole thing.

This was Madison's second trip to New Hampshire. We're taking advantage of the whole family being home and getting away as most as possible. Her first vacation was only at 3 weeks of age! Lucky girl.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Introducing Madison Mae

Early Sunday morning, May 17, I started having contractions. I woke around 3:15 am with lots of cramping and pains. I checked the clock and felt them coming every 10 minutes or so. I could actually feel things opening…sounds funny to write that, but it’s true. I just knew that labor had started and my body was getting ready for this baby to arrive. I debated whether to wake Dennis or not. Since we were due to be at the hospital for 8 am, I decided to do my best to rest and work through the cramping.

Shortly before 8:00, I kissed Hayden good bye and off we went! The nurse got my IV started and my doctor came in shortly after 9:00. He asked permission to break my water to help things along. He checked and found that I was already at 4 cm. I knew it! He broke my water (barely a trickle –which was why he wanted to induce me) and they started the pitocin.

By 10:45 things were moving along quickly. Contractions were approximately 2 ½ - 3 minutes apart. I was dealing well with the pains. At 11:00 the nurse checked and found I was dilated to 5-6 cm. I tried to tough things out and go without any meds, but I finally gave in and asked for an epidural. 11:25 I had the epidural started, but it only took on one side. Almost immediately I started shaking uncontrollably. The same thing happened with Hayden’s labor.

My doctor returned to check – 6 cm. I could feel the contractions quite strongly on my left side. Dennis tried to help keep me still and talk me through them. At 12:15 my nurse decided I should be checked. I honestly don’t remember what I said or did that prompted her to do so. She checked and exclaimed that I was 10 cm!!! She said the baby was “knocking at the door and ready to make her appearance.” Wow…from 6 to 10 cm in only 35 minutes!

They quickly paged my doctor who had headed out for lunch. I was instructed to remain still and not to push until the doctor arrived. I stayed calm and relaxed and continued to breathe through the contractions. I think that really helped to allow my body to do the work it needed to do on it’s own. It took almost 25 mins for him to get back to my room. The doctor told me to push with the next contraction. I started pushing and her head was crowning. With the third contraction (honestly…just three!), I pushed and felt her head emerge…and she was born. (12:51 pm) I had the most amazing birth with no tearing or episiotomy. I’m very, very lucky!

6lbs 15 oz, 19 1/4"

Daddy and big brother Hayden

Click here for more pictures!

Madison's Nursery

Dennis and I worked to create a magical "girly" room for our new bundle of joy. We're so proud of how it came out. Thanks E for the extra stripe idea...what do you think?
If you can believe, everything in the room was either on sale or a left over item from another project!! I feel like we should submit pictures to HGTV's Design on a Dime. ;)

Curtains - $2.99!!
Crib - floor model
Dresser - floor model
Table - clearance & re-painted to match
Paint - donated; designed by Heather
Built in shelves - Dennis
Wall letters - Heather's art work

Click on the image to see it larger.

Big brother Hayden inspecting the dresser.